Why Am I Bleeding Again After My Period Has Already Happen

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42 fatwas

  • Sees Colored Clots 2 or 3 Days Before Her Periods Date: 3-two-2022

    I get back coloured clots two to three days before my period which are very less after that menstruum starts I am getting black clots before menstruation for ii years should I Include these blackness clots in the day of menstruation and leave the prayers .. More

  • Has Continuous Haemorrhage and Does Not Remember the Time of Her Regular Menses Engagement: 21-4-2021

    AsalamoAlaikum I want to enquire that i had contraceptive implant in my arm last nov so since then i am having haemorrhage. Before ramadan I enquire md to give me medicine to terminate bleeding and so I can keep my fast and prayers in Ramadan only now I am still having haemorrhage and it stops sometimes but starts once again adjacent day . I am not sure virtually my menstruation dates now because.. More than

  • Has Irregular Menses and Doesn't Know Her Exact Monthly Periods Date: 5-11-2020

    Sheikh I want to enquire I had bleeding which ended on the 2nd of the March. When this bleeding ended, then after two days we had intercourse. Then afterward this intercourse, I had again second haemorrhage in March. Then adjacent month before whatsoever other bleeding, I had a talaq incident on the sixth of the April. Would the talaq count a bidah talaq even if I do not remember.. More

  • His Wife Does Not Know How to Distinguish between Menstruum and Istihaadhah Date: xx-ten-2020

    Salaam, My married woman has pcos, due to this she has had irregular bleeding for several months now. I know it's not immune to take intercouse during the time my married woman is menstruating, but we don't know when her bleeding will stop and so is it permissable to take intercouse?Jazakallah. .. More

  • Divorce Probably Happened When She Was in Menses Appointment: 30-9-2020

    Sheikh I want to inquire I had bleeding which concluded on the 2nd of the March. When this haemorrhage ended, then later on 2 days we had intercourse. Then after this intercourse, I had again 2nd haemorrhage in March. And so next month before whatever other bleeding, I had a talaq incident on the 3rd of the Apr. Would the talaq count a bidah talaq even if I do not recollect.. More

  • Haemorrhage outside the Monthly Menses Appointment: 13-5-2020

    Aslaam u Aliekum, Love Sheikh I have a question if married woman had a haemorrhage for 6 days then when this haemorrhage concluded then after 3 days married woman and married man had an intercourse. So subsequently the intercourse and later on less and so 14 days of the get-go bleeding that came before intercourse, wife had some other haemorrhage for 6 days. When this second haemorrhage concluded so married woman.. More than

  • Bleeding again 12 or 13 Days after Her Menstruation Date: 13-six-2019

    Assalamu alaykum Scholars say that menstruation should non exceed xv days, as a woman cannot drain for more than half a calendar month. At present, say that I have a catamenia for 9 days, then around 12-thirteen days later I see menstrual blood again for 7-8 days, then the full bleeding that month would be xvi-17 days (although the two bleedings would accept been separated by.. More than

  • She Bleeds 11 or 12 Days after Menses: Is It Istihaadhah or Menses? Date: 28-5-2019

    Assalamu alaykum, Is the minimum catamenia of purity betwixt two menstrual periods fifteen days? What should a woman exercise if effectually 11-12 days later the cease of her terminal period she starts bleeding again, should she consider it menstrual blood or aberrant bleeding? JazakAllahu khair .. More than

  • She Suffers From Continuous Bleeding: How to Pray Date: 18-ten-2018

    Assalamu Alaikum My question is about istihada or continuous bleeding. So the hadis says that one must exercise wudu at the time of each prayer.What does this mean. Does it hateful if information technology is zhur fourth dimension. Then she must make one wudu with the intention of praying all the prayers and then pray.Or does the hadith mean that she must make wudu for each voluntary or obligstory.. More than

  • Bleeding Between Her Flow Engagement: 5-8-2018

    Assalam alaikumI have my monthly periods every calendar month. Mg trouble isI suffer from bleeding between my periods. Its in the nature of slight spotting. It generallh occurs when i m physically very tired and stressed out. Tin i pray, fast and touch the Holy Quran for recitation during such times? Delight help and answer as i Practice non wish to miss my fasts Allah.. More

  • New bleeding 11 days after flow ended Date: 22-10-2017

    Assalaamu alaykum. Normally I have 15-17 days of purity betwixt my periods. This month, the bleeding started later 11 days of purity. I carried on praying even though the bleeding carried on past what would commonly exist counted as my menstruum days, counting these days as Istihaadhah (haemorrhage outside the menstrual period). I did this having read fatwa.. More than

  • Emitting brown discharge while delaying catamenia later on laparoscopy Date: v-10-2017

    Assalaamu alaykum. I accept undergone laparoscopic surgery one month and a half ago because of infertility, and I was suffering severe menstrual cramps due to endometriosis. After the surgery, my gynecologist told me to postpone the menses for 12 weeks until it heals completely. If I menstruate again, there is a loftier possibility of entrometrial tissues.. More

  • When recurrent bleeding is considered menses Date: 11-6-2017

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear scholars, I got that the elapsing between ii menses is 15 days, as mentioned on Islamweb, and then if a woman gets her menstruation on the 12th day later having become pure from her concluding menstruum, it will be considered Istihaadhah. Now my question is: if the menses continue for 6 or vii days, and so it will.. More

  • Bleeding during pregnancy Engagement: 14-4-2017

    My wife was confirmed pregnant by a medico after missing her period for nearly ten days. A few days afterward, she started bleeding continously for almost eight days today, and it is withal going. Is she supposed to consider it as her catamenia and terminate praying? Or should she consider information technology Istihaadhah (bleeding outside the menstrual period) and pray? .. More

  • Bleeding after intercourse Date: 18-9-2016

    Assalaamu alaykum. I had intercourse with my husband so experienced haemorrhage for two hours. What is this haemorrhage called in Islam. If I become pregnant considering of that intercourse, could that bleeding damage the expected babe? .. More than

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Source: https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatawa%2F583%2Frulings-on-istihadah-bleeding-outside-the-time-of-monthly-period

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